Empowering Properties with Expert Tenant Screening

ApproveShield Premier Screening

What They Have to Say

ApproveShield's Impact
"I have worked with ApproveShield for over four years and have found our partnership not only beneficial for a more hands-off experience for our onsite teams, but also an invaluable program for assets."
"For me, ApproveShield has proven to be the leader in applicant screening and has driven me to not only implement this tool for my in-town assets, but also suburban assets. The ApproveShield team is always quick to respond and help our teams with any questions or training needs. I look forward to continuing our partnership and implementing at future assets to come.”

Highly Recommend!
"ApproveShield has been a blessing for my portfolio! The screening process compares to none - lower skips and evictions; also delinquency has been reduced by using their services.”